Thursday, January 28, 2010

I was most angry when....

I was most angry when the BRONCOS lost to the chargers. If you noticed I emphasized the better team. I was also angry when the Broncos decided to put Chris Simms in the game for Kyle Orton. Orton is much better. The pwner would agree, wouldn't you? The last reason I'm angry is because the Broncos also lost to the chiefs.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The One That Stalks Me!

Please help! This nasty bird has been stalking me! He's a zombie as you can tell from his black and white feathers. He's almost killed me twice, but I found that he's allergic to peperoni so, I've been throwing it at him. I'm almost out of peperoni and he knows it. I need help!

Friday, January 22, 2010

My Favorite Teacher

My favorite teacher is Mr.P. He's my math teacher. Mr. P. stands out because of the way he looks out for us. He always makes sure we do things right. Also, he won't let us re-test, turn things in late, or talk in class without getting in trouble. A thing I like about our math teacher, is the way he always tells us stories. Most of them are about not trusting certain people or what girls to hang out with. As you can see, he's a great teacher.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Welcome to my blog. In my blog I will post random things. Some things I like are building model rockets, playing sports, and playing with my friends. I hope that it will be interesting.