Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The One That Stalks Me!

Please help! This nasty bird has been stalking me! He's a zombie as you can tell from his black and white feathers. He's almost killed me twice, but I found that he's allergic to peperoni so, I've been throwing it at him. I'm almost out of peperoni and he knows it. I need help!


The pwner said...

Highlariouse Rudge

Noah Ternes said...

he is funny

Anonymous said...

Your photoshop project turned out great. Nice work.
Mrs. Shaler

Alex said...

I will get you more peperoni! Dont worry!

Chich said...

that is a creepy bird

energymajor said...

I like the picture of the bird.

To much said...

yes a very creepy bird.